I missed baking! When was the last time I did this? Was it last summer? I remember giving cupcakes twice to Towers Watson associates when I interned. Hello AV! I miss everyone!
We're conducting our Stat 148 experiment tomorrow and Friday, so I volunteered to bake cupcakes to give out as token to our participants. Took some pictures of my vanilla cupcake with chocolate frosting and chocolate cupcake with mocha frosting. It's my first time to bake vanilla cupcakes (hahaha yessir) and mocha frosting. I hope they like it! :)
My first time to use these babies. Pamps got them from the States. Please love me back. Hahaha because I suck at frosting. :( I need to practice.
And oh, I baked in the morning. I usually do my thing in the afternoon but not today because I reserved my afternoon to watch the knockout game between DLSU and FEU. Aaah ANIMO!